What is IP?

IP (Internet Protocol) is a digital address availble on a network-connected devices to share data with each other through internet connection protocols. Ex: , ,…

What is IP used for?

Each divice connected to the net work has it owns IP address, you can think of it as a home or business address. IP will help divices on the internet be able to distinguish, share and communicate with each other.

Versions of the IP protocol.

  1. IPv4(Internet protocol version 4) It is the fourth version of internet protocols.

  2. IPv6(Internet protocol version 6)

DNS (Domain Name System)

What is DNS?


DNS (Domain Name Systym) invented in 1984 is a system that allows to establish correspondence between IP addresses and domain names on the Internet. Simply put, it is a system that helps convert numeric IP addresses (for example, to domain names that are easy for humans to remember (for example, youtobe.com) and vice versa.


It serves the user as a “Phone Book”, capable of searching and translating domain names into IP addresses. It stores a huge amount of information and is tied to fixed IP addresses. Domain names are easier for users to remember than complex IP addresses.


DNS can be understood as an “interpreter” and “communicator”. When opening a Web browser and entering the website name, the browser will go directly to the website without having to go through the IP address of the website. The DNS helps each other to translate “IP” addresses into “names” and vice versa. The user only needs to remember the “name”, no need to remember the IP address.

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