Neovim guideline
Basic command lines
Open a project following path
nvim <folder_path>
Create a new file in Neovim tree
1. moving the cursor under the folder
2. press the "a" key
3. input the file name
4. enter
Close the current buffer
Toggle the tree of the folder in neovim
# in neovim normal mode use:
Ctrl + n
Switch between buffers
- ctrl+l :to navigate to the right buffer
- ctrl+h :to navigate to the left buffer
Open file in the horizontal split windown in Vim
Move the cursor under the file that you want to open
Then use <C-v> to open file in vertical and <C-x> to open file in horizontal.
or use vim command
:split %:h
Then select the file using Ctrl+n or previous file use Ctrl+p
Install a plugin in neovim use Packer and Nvchad format.
Reference to Nvchad